Summer Forage Production Costs
This tool is designed to allow you to enter the costs associated with your particular summer forage operation. First, choose the type of forage and production you want to examine. Second, enter the associated costs for the various inputs. If an input will not be used, leave the box blank. For example, if you will only plant switchgrass, there is no need to enter values for the other grasses. Number formatting does not matter (6, 6.0, or 6.00 will work).
Notes and Assumptions:
- NWSG and bermudagrass establishment prorated at 10 years and includes seed cost, herbicides and application, fuel, operating capital interest, variable and fixed expenses, and labor.
- No nitrogen during establishment year for NWSG.
- Assume 2 cuttings a year for NWSG and summer annuals. Assume 3 cuttings a year for bermudagrass.
- 5% simple interest assumed in calculating interest on operating capital.
- Variable machinery expenses include twine, oil, filter, repairs, and maintenance.
- Fixed expenses include machinery depreciation, interest, housing, and insurance in addition to NWSG establishment and land costs.
- Labor expenses at $8.50/hr and includes wages, Social Security, Medicare taxes, and payroll administration costs.
Disclaimer: Use of brand or trade names is for clarity and information; it does not imply approval of the product to the exclusion of others, which may be of similar, suitable composition. Always be sure to read, understand and follow directions and precautions on herbicide labels before use. As herbicides, herbicide labels and their availability and recommendations may change, it is best to consult your local Extension agent for the latest recommendations on herbicide use.